Supporting a Young Person

Being a parent of a young person who seems to be struggling can be really worrying, and you might be feeling overwhelmed or unsure what you should do. But you're not alone, and there are places both you and your child can turn to for help. You can also look at our information for children and young people, which could help you talk to your child about how they can understand their feelings, find support or visit their doctor.

Looking after yourself

Supporting someone else can be tough and stressful. It's important to look after yourself too. Our information on supporting someone else and helping someone else seek help will give you ideas of how to look after yourself. If you have a mental health problem, our guide to parenting with a mental health problem will give you some ideas of how to look after yourself and find support if you and your family need it.

Understanding my feelings - for young people

Information for young people for when you’re struggling with how you’re feeling and want to understand why.